The VD life

The life story by a man they call VD.

Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

Rolling through life...

Monday, February 28, 2005

Monday Monday Monday

You know, Monday should be a half day. I feel the weekly productivity would increase if corporate America would allow for people to ease into the work week. It would reduce burn out, and increase worker morale.

Plus, who wouldn't want to sleep in after going out on a Sunday night, drinking a little too much, getting home even later, and then crashing in bed as soon as you get home. You could spend the morning re-hydrating yourself and exercising to work off all the extra calories.

Ok, I know I wouldn't do the exercise and I would just sleep, but come on!

Today was just a normal day. Nothing grand about it. Just another day bringing home the bacon! ....mmmm....bacon.... Sounds like a BLT night to me.


Sunday, February 27, 2005

Relaxing Weekend

My Wife wasn't feeling very well on Friday night. In fact, up all night vomitting, and slept on the bathroom floor. It's got to be hard being pregnant. I'm just glad the males don't have to go through that first hand. One dodged bullet for those with external sex organs!

Aside from that, it was a relaxing weekend. Spent all day Saturday in the house taking care of my wife and planning our landscaping. I think this should be done before we go to Hawaii. That way I won't have to worry about it when I get back. I may recruit some friends in the next weeks to help out with this.

On the job front, something may be in the works...we shall see. More to come this time next week.

Speaking of next weekend, my wife and I are planning on making a trip up to see our friends up north and to see our niece compete at ND. Should be a good time for all! I may even get to see my friends latest family addition...Tristan.

I hope any and all who read this the best week!


Thursday, February 24, 2005

Payday Tomorrow


Another week is almost done. I'm looking forward to this weekend a little too much. I know it's bad to not live in the moment, but hey, sometimes it happens. I really want to spend some time doing some programming in my new environment at home. I have a copy of DB2 Personal Developers Edition, DB2 Everyplace for my handheld, and the J2ME SDK. I want to get back into practice and make myself more marketable in the job search arena. I'm not having much luck looking for a new job, but I know the right one is around the corner.

I know I also shouldn't be griping considering my company is sending my wife and I to Hawaii for a week, but that still doesn't help my financial situation. In fact, it'll hurt it. Since this is a "bonus" I have to pay about 38% in taxes on top of the cost of the trip. That bites. From what I've heard, the trip costs about $8k-$10k for two people and that means I'll be paying $3k-almost $4k in taxes! I hate the government for forcing the taxes like this. Come on, my company is just trying to show appreciation for their workers! Not have them pay extra for the gift. It just bites, that's all there is to it.

It's about time for me to leave work. (yeah, like I'ld use my free time to do this...) So 'til next time!


Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Well, my wife's ultrasound was today and we found out our new baby is a girl! This is exciting since most of our friends have boys and I'll love teaching my daughter how to play soccer! The only bad thing is that we are having problems drilling down to a name we both like. Sienna Elizabeth Vannette sounds pretty good to me. We will see.

Took the day off work and boy was it worth it. Not having to deal with all the crap there and getting good news as well! Now I just need to find a new job that will actually pay what I'm worth...

I seriously doubt anyone actually reads this, but oh well. Like I've written before, it's good to vent.

I'll keep posting about the developements with Sienna in the coming weeks and months.


Monday, February 21, 2005

People I work for are not that great...

Ok, so my clients are a just a single evolutional leap above frogs. They really just sit there and say "IBM" and expect a sale. Coming from a technical guy, this is so not the way to sell hardware and software. 1)Find out what the end user wants to do. 2)Find out what they have. 3)Find out what it will take to get from the result of step 2 to the result of step 1. 4)Propose solution. NOT THAT FREAKIN' HARD!

One of these days, I'll be in the sales side of things and I'll mop up. I'll know what the product can do, I'll give the end user my time to get the solution right, and keep 'em coming back for more!

Uh, Oh...

One of the more notorious clients with dumb questions just pinged me. This is something you can look up on the web in about the same time it took you to ping me on AIM.

Oh well, I guess they are the reason I have a job.


Sunday, February 20, 2005

Went to Sogomo's blogspot

Kinda cool actually. I was looking forward to just giving her a reply, but it is kinda cool to get out there and vent your feelings. I know deep down though this is a government run website to just get out there and monitor what people say and think. No more freedoms!

Oh well, I'm glad all is going well for Chemutai and I hope I can see her sometime soon.

I'll keep things coming for ya in the future.