The VD life

The life story by a man they call VD.

Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

Rolling through life...

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Well, my wife's ultrasound was today and we found out our new baby is a girl! This is exciting since most of our friends have boys and I'll love teaching my daughter how to play soccer! The only bad thing is that we are having problems drilling down to a name we both like. Sienna Elizabeth Vannette sounds pretty good to me. We will see.

Took the day off work and boy was it worth it. Not having to deal with all the crap there and getting good news as well! Now I just need to find a new job that will actually pay what I'm worth...

I seriously doubt anyone actually reads this, but oh well. Like I've written before, it's good to vent.

I'll keep posting about the developements with Sienna in the coming weeks and months.



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