The VD life

The life story by a man they call VD.

Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

Rolling through life...

Monday, February 28, 2005

Monday Monday Monday

You know, Monday should be a half day. I feel the weekly productivity would increase if corporate America would allow for people to ease into the work week. It would reduce burn out, and increase worker morale.

Plus, who wouldn't want to sleep in after going out on a Sunday night, drinking a little too much, getting home even later, and then crashing in bed as soon as you get home. You could spend the morning re-hydrating yourself and exercising to work off all the extra calories.

Ok, I know I wouldn't do the exercise and I would just sleep, but come on!

Today was just a normal day. Nothing grand about it. Just another day bringing home the bacon! ....mmmm....bacon.... Sounds like a BLT night to me.



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